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How to Send WhatsApp Messages Without Saving the Numbers

How to Send WhatsApp Messages Without Saving Numbers.Jakarta - For those who don't know, you can just send a message, aka WhatsApp chat without saving the number of the person you are targeting. Here's how.

How to Send WhatsApp Messages Without Saving the Numbers

Whatsapp is popularly used to send instant messages. Well, it could be sometimes when you are lazy to save people's numbers when you want to send a message.

In that connection, you can just chat WhatsApp without having to save the number of people you want to send the message to. This method itself does not need a particular application and can be used on iOS or Android.

How to? Just follow the following method, as quoted from the Android Pit.

Also read: An Easy Way to Track a Girl's Location with a Phone Number.

1. First of all, open your preferred browser on the cellphone.
2. Then type '' in the search field.
3. Fill in 'xxxx' with the number of the person you want to chat with.
4. Don't forget to enter the country     code without affixing the + sign.
    For example:***
5. Then, press 'enter' or 'go' on the smartphone to start the search. After that WhatsApp will open and     ask if you want to send a message to that phone number.
6. Next, you just press the 'send message' option. You will automatically be transferred to WhatsApp     with the 'start chat' window to the person whose number you entered earlier.

Well, there's no need to save that person's contact number to send messages on WhatsApp right? Let it be easier, the shipping format above can of course you copy + paste so you don't have to retype it.

Indeed, there are also different ways to send WhatsApp chat without saving numbers using third party applications. But again, the tips for this time are only browser-based, you know.

That was the tutorial How to Send WhatsApp Messages Without Saving Numbers.

Hopefully useful? thanks.

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